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i did it! i even have a screenshot to prove it if you want


yo did you have a slight stroke on the 23rd screen


in the place where you aren't supposed ot jump it just sometimes randomly kills me.

that's a bug that happen mostly on firefox, sorry for that :'b



also died like 20 times so yeah


Me: *Dies*

Also me : ight  imma head out


How did you make sure people can't play for 23 hours? Did you access people's clocks?

kinda, the system clock :b


a pile of dead bodies blocked my way before i could get anywhere 10/10

i think that i get hacked :'b, i'll try fix it


For the swarm!


My epitaph now says "Don't jump on the 'sometimes jumping...' screen"

This game was awesome! It felt really ominous when you know there comes a jump that would be impossible if not for the people that died before you.
A shame I died without contributing that much to the cause...


Great gameplay. Cool concept, but i think i have played a similar game somewhere. The retro style graphics looks great :)